Good News for all! Nothing can be more excited than getting admission to United States Universities without any GRE, GMAT, and English Language Test. Most of the United States United States Universities Waived GRE/GMAT/English Language Test Requirement Due to COVID-19. Yes, the News is 100% True and accurate. The List of all Universities is given below with a direct link to the Official Notice.
The Top-Rated US Universities have waived this opportunity to all students from around the world who have taken admission or going to apply for any US Scholarship for Summer 2020, Fall 2020, and Spring 2021. This Policy Only applies for Summer 2020, Fall 2020, and Spring 2021 In response to COVID-19.
The International and Domestic applicants who don’t have English languages test scores such as IELTS or TOEFL Now they can take the Duolingo English Test. Duolingo English Test can be taken from home from any personal device. This change applies to most Summer 2020, Fall 2020, and Spring 2021 applications. The List of the US Universities who waived this policy is given below.
List of the United States Universities Waived GRE/GMAT & English Language Test
Some graduate schools waiving GRE/GMAT due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. As we said you can take the Duolingo English Test from home to Proove your English Language Proficiency. But you don’t need to give GRE/GMAT.
Duolingo is an Alternative to IELTS. They will charge only 49 USD. While other Language Tests are expensive. An hour-long language test that tests your skillset in all areas of language including Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. More than 2000+ Universities are accepting Now.
The United States Universities are also now accepting Duolingo English Test. Some Screenshots of the Universities are given below.
IELTS/TOEFL: Affected applicants may submit Duolingo English Test (DET) in terms of IELTS/TOELF.
GRE/GMAT: All master’s applicants for the fall 2020 admissions cycle will have the GRE/GMAT requirement waived.
Get admission easily as soon as possible. Apply Here 1500+ List of United States of America Scholarships
Requirements For Duolingo English Test
- Your passport, driver’s license or government ID
- A quiet, well-lit room
- 60 minutes of free time
- A reliable internet connection
- A computer
Apply Here #12 Countries You Can Study Abroad Without IELTS & TOEFL
Universities In USA Without GRE/GMAT/English Language Test
Check which U.S University is accepting Duolingo English Test. Money-saving. Send reports to unlimited institutions for free. Many universities worldwide are accepting the result. You can take a test from home. Time-saving (takes an hour only). Result declared in 2 days (5 days currently).
Stevens Institute of technology
California State University Long Beach
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Mississippi State University
San Jose State University
Baylor University
Boston University
The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Illinois Institute of Technology…/international…/international-fall-2020
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
The University of Alabama waived GRE and GMAT for certain departments. Read University Albama Notice
The University of Mississippi
Among many others, programs such as Pharmaceutics MS & Ph.D., Civil MS & Ph.D., CSE MS & Ph.D., Geology MS & Ph.D., Journalism MA, etc at the University of Mississippi waived the GRE requirement for the Fall-2020 admission due to the Coronavirus pandemic.
The University of North Alabama
For Pandemic Period GRE/GMAT is waived at The University of North Alabama, it is accepting any one of IELTS with 6 or Duolingo with 100. We have already described Duolingo above.
University of Minnesota
Robotics Institute waived GRE requirement for Master’s of Science in Robotics
Southern Methodist University
Cox School of Business waived GRE/GMAT and extend the admission deadline.
University of North Carolina Charlotte
Belk College MBA waived the GMAT/GRE.
Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) Saunders College of Business waived GMAT/GRE.
The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee waived GRE/GMAT for some program.
Texas Tech University waived GRE.
Austin Peay State University waived GRE.
Northeastern University waive GRE/GMAT requirement for 2021-22 applicants
Drew University Waive GRE
University of Louisville Graduate Business Programs Waive GRE/GMAT.
University of Arizona Master of Public Health waives GRE.
Brandis University Master of Public Policy program waives GRE.
South Dakota state university waives the application fee.
George Mason University school of business waives the application fee.
Auburn University waive GRE/GMAT score
Loyla University school of business waive GRE/GMAT score.
University of Memphis School of Public Health waives GRE.
Lipscomb University
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley.
Austin Peay State University
Florida State University
To help applicants during this time, FSU has decided to temporarily waive the GRE/GMAT requirements for Fall 2020.
Texas A&M Commerce:
ATTENTION GRADUATE SCHOOL APPLICANTS: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, A&M-Commerce will waive the GRE/GMAT requirement on graduate applications for most programs.
The waiver applies to applications submitted for summer 2020, fall 2020, and spring 2021 semesters. Also, see List of 7 Countries Offering Free Education to International Students.