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ADB Internship Program 2022 | Fully Funded Opportunity Desk

Applications has been open to apply for ADB Internship Program 2022. ADB Summer Internship is a place of diversity including employees from more than 60+ countries across the world. So here we are introducing one more International Internship opportunity for you. ADB Scholarship for International Students is only for Master’s Degree program or Ph.D. Degree Program. There is NO seats for undergraduate degree students. No IELTS & TOEFL are Needed.

The Duration of ADB Internship 2022 in 11 Weeks. It can be for 15 Weeks but depending upon the situation. ADB advertises Internship Opportunities twice a year and welcomes motivated, open-minded, and Self Directed Individuals to apply. The Internship Program is a project-oriented learning opportunity. International students will gain experience through research-based work in ADB.

The regular work schedule is 8:00 am to 5:00 pm with a one-hour lunch break. Any other preferred schedule should be discussed with supervisors. The stipend would be provided to the internee according to the location of the internships. Interns may choose to work beyond 56 calendar days. The exception to receiving a stipend would be interns who fall under the special arrangement category between select schools and ADB.

Asian Bank Internship Program 2022 Details

  • Organization: Asian Development Bank
  • Internship Duration: Minimum 11 Weeks
  • Financial Coverage: Fully Funded
  • Deadline: 1st batch: 15 July to 15 September 2022, 2nd batch: 15 December 2022 to 15 February 2023

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Financial Benefits 

  • Monthly Stipend: All internees will get a monthly stipend from ADB.
  • Upon the intern’s appointment, ADB provides a limited amount to cover part of the airfare travel cost.
  • You will get a chance to work in an international development organization;
  • You will get the opportunity to work collaboratively with experienced professionals from over 50 different countries;
  • By doing this internship you are automatically contributing to ADB’s business through research outputs.

Check: Khalifa University Scholarships in UAE 2022 | Fully Funded

Eligibility Criteria 

  • Be enrolled in a Master’s- or PhD.
  • Be a national of one of ADB’s members
  • Possess an excellent command of English
  • Have professional experience relevant to the assignment.
  • ADB does not accept applications from close relatives of ADB personnel.

Selection Criteria

  • Candidates apply through ACES, prepare for their CVs and answer the essay questions.
  • All documents (CV and essay) are uploaded to ACES to complete the application.
  • Applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered.
  • To avoid errors in submission, applicants are advised not to wait until the last day of the application.
  • ADB evaluates applications based on: eligibility requirements, the relevance of the academic study and work experience; and the level of interest and motivation to contribute to development work.
  • ADB also considers institutional representation, gender, and nationality balance in the over-all intern selection process.

How To Apply For ADB Internship Program 

Complete the Online Application and upload all the required documents. To apply for the Internship Visit the Official website of the Asian Development Bank. Read FAQS about ADB Internship.

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