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Australia Farm Working Visa Sponsorship Jobs ($54,000 per year or $27.69 Per Hour) Opportunity Desk

Australia is one of the Famous countries for Farming & Diary Farm. The government announced Australia Farm Working Visa Sponsorship Jobs. You will get 30$ Per Hour Wage in Australia. The farming field is growing fastly all over the world especially Australian breeds of animal are very popular in the world, especially in our Country Pakistan. So, No Highest Education is required. You must be Fluent in English. In Farm Working Jobs, you have to take care of animals and feed them properly. This is not a Tough Job for foreigners. Farm work in Australia refers to any work opportunity on a farm. These opportunities include jobs in horticulture, aquaculture, livestock, poultry, meat processing, and more.

Australian Government Allowed foreigners to invite applicants from Asia, especially because Australians are not interested in these Jobs. The Agriculture profession is Facing a Shortage in Australia. They will hire at least 190,000 Visa Sponsorship Jobs and maybe as many as 210,000 in 2023. 1,60,000 People migrated to Australia. Full Information Regarding Australia Farm Working Visa Sponsorship Jobs is given below.

Australia Farm Working Visa Sponsorship Jobs Details

  • Job Country: Australia
  • Industry: Agriculture
  • Job Type: Farm Workers
  • Experience Required: No
  • Age Limit: No
  • Visa Sponsorship: Yes
  • Salary$59,179 per year or $30.35 per hour

Farm Work in Australia 

If you’re at the stage of life where you’re ready to travel and save money for your future, farm work in Australia allows you to do both. Australia’s agriculture industry has job opportunities all year-’round, but roles can vary widely depending on the season.

Farm workers are essential not only to Australia’s economy but also to the national food supply. Farmers across the country produce more than 90% of food consumed in Australia.


  • Suitable for unskilled, inexperienced workers and available year-round.
  • Accommodation will be provided
  • Relocation support from the Government of Australia
  • First three months of medical insurance
  • Visa Sponsorship.

List of Farm Worker Jobs in Australia

1# Government of Work Force Australia

3,14,200 Jobs announced in Farm Work Field for foreigners. Workforce Australia is a place Australians can search and apply for jobs or find more information on their pathway to employment. They are offering Visa Sponsorship Job & Free work permit to stay in Australia.

The Lockyer Valley is rated among the top ten most fertile farming areas. How To Apply: https://www.workforceaustralia.gov.au/

2# CAREERONE Australia 

CAREERONE is Australia’s number one employment marketplace. Find jobs and career-related information or recruit the ideal candidate. 

  • How to Find a Job on CAREER Australia Website: First Visit the CAREER website: https://www.careerone.com.au/farm-worker-jobs
  • It will list more than 3,341 Jobs.
  • Then, in the Search Bar enter a Keyword “Visa Sponsorship“, Farm Jobs
  • Then Select Location “Australia“. Click on All Australia.
  • Now it will list all Jobs in Australia that Supports Visa Sponsorship.

3# WikiFarms Australia

WikiFarms Australia is an essential application for backpackers looking for farm work in Australia. Whether you are looking for a casual job during your trip. WikiFarms Australia is available to download on the Google Play Store and now on the App Store.

Jobs in Australia For Educated People!

A – C

  • AirTasker | Sydney CBD, Sydney | Ruby, Ruby on Rails, NodeJs, JavaScript, React, Java, Python or Golang
  • Aiven | Sydney CBD, Sydney | Python, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Elasticsearch, Cassandra, Grafana, InfluxDB, Redis, Kafka
  • Atlassian | Sydney CBD, Sydney | Java, NodeJs, JavaScript, React
  • BCG Digital Ventures | Sydney CBD, Sydney | JavaScript, Angular, React, Hadoop, NoSQL
  • BigCommerce | Sydney CBD, Sydney | Ruby, PHP, JavaScript, Puppet
  • Brighte | Sydney CBD, Sydney | PHP, MYSQL, JavaScript, AWS
  • Canva | Sydney CBD, Sydney | Java, JavaScript, NodeJs, React, Typescript
  • ClipChamp | Fortitude Valley, Brisbane | JavaScript, Typescript, Angular, React, Python, C
  • CSIRO’s Data61 | Brisbane CBD, Brisbane; Canberra CBD, Canberra; Melbourne CBD, Melbourne; Perth CBD, Perth; Sydney CBD, Sydney | Bigdata, C++, Drones, IOT, JavaScript, Machine Learning, Python, R

  • Deputy | Sydney CBD, Sydney | PHP, JavaScript, Android, SQL
  • DigIO | Melbourne CBD, Melbourne; Sydney CBD, Sydney | Java, JavaScript, NodeJs, Kubernetes, AWS
  • Domain Group | Sydney CBD, Sydney | PHP, JavaScript, Nodejs, React, Android, Python, C#, Swift
  • DriveYello | Sydney CBD, Sydney | PHP, JavaScript, NodeJs, React, Python
  • Easygo | Melbourne CBD, Melbourne | JavaScript, NodeJs, React
  • Elmo | Sydney CBD, Sydney | PHP, .net, JavaScript, Angular, AWS
  • Envato | Melbourne CBD, Melbourne | Ruby, Ruby on Rails, NodeJs, Elixir, React
  • Expedia Group | Brisbane City, Brisbane | JavaScript, AWS, Java, React, Node
  • Expert360 | Melbourne CBD, Melbourne; Sydney CBD, Sydney | Elixir, JavaScript, React, GraphQL, Elasticsearch
  • Finder | Sydney CBD, Sydney | PHP, JavaScript, NodeJs

  • GlamCorner | Alexandria, Sydney | Ruby, JavaScript, Typescript, React, Docker, Jenkins, AWS, MySQL, Redis, PHP
  • Harrison.Ai | Sydney CBD, Sydney | JavaScript, Typescript, Python, AWS, React
  • HeadUp Labs | Balaclava, Victoria | C#, Azure, Cosmos Db, JavaScript, React Native, Typescript, Azure Functions
  • HealthEngine | Perth CBD, Perth; Sydney CBD, Sydney | JavaScript, PHP, NodeJs, React, Symfony/Laravel, Java, Kotlin
  • Healthshare | Bondi Junction, Sydney | Python, JavaScript, React
  • HiPages | Sydney CBD, Sydney | PHP, NodeJs, MySQL, Swift, Objective-C
  • HireUp | Greenwich, Sydney | NodeJs, JavaScript, React, Mongo DB
  • Home Care Heroes | Redfern, Sydney | JavaScript, NodeJs, React, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Rails, Docker
  • IRESS | Melbourne CBD, Melbourne; Sydney CBD, Sydney | Reactjs, Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, AWS
  • Isentia | Sydney CBD, Sydney; Melbourne CBD | Nodejs, Angularjs, Python, AWS, Docker

  • JXT Global | Sydney CBD, Sydney | .NET, C#, React, Angular, AWS
  • Kayo Sports | Artamon, Sydney | JavaScript, NodeJs, Reactjs, Express.js
  • Koala | Alexandria, Sydney | Go, PHP, JavaScript, AWS
  • Learnosity | Sydney CBD, Sydney | PHP, Go, JavaScript, MySQL, PostgreSQL, ElasticSearch, Redshift, AWS
  • LegalVision | Sydney CBD, Sydney | PHP, Laravel, JavaScript, AWS
  • Lendi | Sydney CBD, Sydney | Java, Scala, NodeJs, JavaScript, SQL, Python
  • Local Measure | Sydney CBD, Sydney | Python, Mongo, JavaScript, AWS

  • Oliver Wyman Labs | Sydney CBD, Sydney | Database, SQL, Hadoop, Python, NoSQL
  • Oppizi | Sydney CBD, Sydney | JavaScript, React, React Native, NodeJs, Express, GraphQL, AWS
  • Optiver | Sydney CBD, Sydney | C#, C++, Python

  • Papercut Software | Camberwell, Melbourne | Java, Go, JavaScript, GCP
  • Pragmateam | Sydney CBD, Sydney | JavaScript, NodeJs, Angular, React
  • Propeller | Sydney CBD, Sydney | JavaScript, NodeJs, Python, Django, React, AWS, Kubernetes, Terraform
  • Quantium | Melbourne CBD, Melbourne; Sydney CBD, Sydney | Java, Scala, JavaScript, NodeJs, postgres
  • Qwilr | Melbourne CBD, Melbourne; Sydney CBD, Sydney | MongoDB, JavaScript, NodeJs, Angular, ReactJs
  • REA Group | Dulwich, Adelaide; Fortitude Valley, Brisbane; Fyshwick, Canberra; Richmond, Melbourne; Subiaco, Perth; Sydney CBD, Sydney | Scala, Ruby, JavaScript, NodeJs, React, Docker, Elasticsearch, AWS, Big Query
  • Red Ant | Sydney CBD, Sydney | Ruby, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, Angular
  • RedBubble | Melbourne CBD; Melbourne | Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Go, MySQL, NodeJS, ReactJS
  • Rockend | St Leonards, Sydney | C#, ASP.NET, JavaScript, Angular

  • SafetyCulture | Sydney CBD, Sydney | GoLang, C++, JavaScript, NodeJs
  • Shippit | Sydney CBD, Sydney | Ruby, JavaScript, NodeJs, ReactJs, AWS
  • Simply Wall St | Surry Hills, Sydney | JavaScript, Typescript, NodeJS, ReactJs
  • SiteMinder | Sydney CBD, Sydney | JavaScript, Typescript, NodeJs, Vue, Ruby, GoLang, Java
  • Spaceship | Sydney CBD, Sydney | Go, JavaScript, React
  • Split Payments | Porter Street, Byron Bay | Ruby, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, Postgres, Redis, Sidekiq, AWS
  • SwitchMedia | Sydney CBD, Sydney | PHP, JavaScript, Go
  • Tyro | Sydney CBD, Sydney | Java, Scala, Kotlin, Kafka, Spark, AWS

  • WiseTech Global | Alexandria, Sydney | C#, .net, JavaScript, Android, Sharepoint

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